The Top 6 Quality Assurance Mistakes You Should Avoid


Quality assurance helps ensure that nothing goes wrong before, during, and after an event. But many hosts still find themselves making mistakes that could have been avoided, including the following:

·         Lack of a backup plan

Anything can happen during an executive event; even the worst mishaps you could imagine. And if you don’t have a backup plan, everything can spiral out of your control in an instant.

This is why it’s important to conduct an event risk assessment before finalizing your project. Make sure to outline a contingency plan for various outcomes, covering your venue and setup, equipment, and scheduling.

·         Miscalculations

Never underestimate the scale of your event. Sometimes, it’s better to have a venue that’s too big rather than one that can’t fit all of your guests. That said, proper planning is vital so that resources are allocated properly.

·         Miscommunication

Having several people working on a project is not always a good thing. Important details can get lost or relayed incorrectly along the way, leading to issues during the final stages of preparation.

It’s best to leave your event preparation in the hands ofan experienced team to ensure more effective communication within a centralized system.

·         Inefficiency

Some events look perfect on paper, but you’ll realize that you are still severely unprepared upon execution. For instance, registering your guests can take too much time, delaying the activities and annoying your audience. You’ll want a fast and advanced check-in system to avoid stalling right from the start.

·         Lack of promotions

Suppose you’re hosting an event where executive-level guests are expected to meet and share their ideas. How do you plan on attracting them without the right promotions or connections?

If you’re having trouble inviting attendees, perhaps it’s best to work with senior-level event providers who can effectively gather an audience on a global scale.

·         Ending your event too soon

The most crucial step of quality assurance is measuring your project’s success after it’s been completed, allowing you to identify your shortcomings during the preparation. In addition, you must stay connected with your guests to foster a strong business relationship. Who knows, you might want to invite them next year!




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